Biomass Module
The Biomass module allows you to model biomass gasification and biogas-fueled or cofired generators. It adds the biomass resource, the biogas fuel, and the biogas-fueled or biogas cofired generator. The Biomass module can support users who model systems running on most types of biomass feedstock and gasification process.

Biomass Resource
You can specify the availablility and cost of the biomass feedstock in the Biomass Resource menu. Since raw biomass generally can't be used in a generator, it is first converted to biogas through a process called gasification. The parameters of this process can be specified here. The biogas can be burned in a biogas or cofired generator like any other fuel.

Cofire with Biogas
A cofired generator can operate on a mixture of traditional fuel and biogas. You can specify a cofired generator in the "Biogas" tab of the generator menu by checking the option for "Cofire with Biogas".